By Murimi Mwangi

NYERI, KENYA: A Kenya police recruit has been arraigned before a Nyeri court and charged with stealing a colleague’s mobile phone.

Sharon Ntaloishi was charged with stealing a Nokia Asha phone, property of Christine Nyaboke, valued at Sh 6,500.

Ntaloishi who was under police training, allegedly committed the offence on June 28 this year at Kiganjo Kenya Police College in Nyeri County.

She denied the charges, and requested the court to grant her free bond on grounds that her parents who live far away from the county had not learnt of her predicament.

However, Nyeri Resident Magistrate John Aringo rejected the request and instead released her on a bond of Sh 10,000 with a surety of a similar amount or a cash bail of Sh 10,000.

The case will be heard on September 9 2013.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man has been arraigned before the same court, for stealing a motorbike valued at Sh 95,000.

Nicholas Ng’ang’a Kariuki was charged with the offence which he allegedly committed on August 7, at Ngangarithi area in Nyeri county.

He was accused of stealing the bike, belonging to Peter Mathenge.

He is also facing a second count of being in possession of the alleged stolen bike at Rimuruti area in Laikipia County on August 20.

He denied both charges and was released on a bond of Sh 50,000 and a surety of a similar amount or a cash bail of Sh 50,000.

The case will be mentioned on September 5, and heard on September 17 this year.