A young, hot senator, who has recently hit public limelight for his intelligent approach to public interest issues and who has been reported to flirt voraciously with the skirts in his office is wreaking serious havoc.

The man who has warmed the hearts of the people in his county as well as those of other Kenyans, is said to be romping young ambitious but desperate women in the guise of assisting them to get employment.

Sexual favours

One of them, whom the senator is said to be wildly crazy about, is rumoured to be receiving Sh20,000 ‘rent’ every month from the lawmaker in exchange for sexual favours.

Sources privy to senator’s clandestine ways intimated to Crazy Monday that he is fond of calling her at odd hours in the name of delegating duties to her only to end up with her in nightclubs.

The woman’s workmates are appalled by the way the senator responds to the woman’s calls. Unlike the surly manner in which he picks up calls when people from his county who might want to discuss matters of importance, he quickly abandons whatever he is doing and runs to meet her whenever she calls him.

Despite being married, the man has enslaved himself to the woman’s demands treating her with a sweetness his wife has never been accorded. His wife is said to have gotten wind of the rosy relationship between her husband and the woman and is said to be gathering adequate evidence before dropping the bombshell. “This woman (employee) is so domineering and influential that when she proposes anything to mheshimiwa at any time or place, it can never be reversed, however sensitive it is,” one of her colleagues whispered.

The woman, on the other hand, has perfected her gold-digging skills as she is alleged to be dating another bigwig from the same county behind the senator’s back.

She is said to have assigned the bigwig the task of  taking care of her upkeep at the end of the month while the senator’s duties is to ensure the house rent is taken care of.

Sources have it that the bigwig, who is a speaker in one of the counties, has abdicated his duties as head of his family and has been travelling to the capital city on a weekly basis to see the irresistible wench.

Residents be warned: Crazy Monday has established that the woman and her likes are up and about and they intend to devour the fruits of devolution in every corner of the land.