Officers at Ololulunga Police Station serve members of the public in their ‘office’ that is under a tree. [PHOTO: CHARLES NGENO/STANDARD]


KENYA: When Alfred Kiyapi was assaulted by his brother, he decided to seek assistance at Ololulunga Police Station.

Upon arrival at Ololulunga district headquarters, he asked for the police station. He was directed to some officers who were seated under a tree.

After an exchange of pleasantries, Kiyapi asked the officers, “Afande, naomba mnionyeshe ofisi nimekuja kupiga ripoti.” (Officers, kindly direct me to your station.)

What he heard next was unbelievable. The officers told him he was right in their office and could explain how he could be assisted.

Such is the shocking experience that members of the public seeking help from Ololulunga Police Station go through. The undeterred men and women in blue have for several weeks now been rendering their services under a tree and from the look of things, they will be in for the long haul.

When The Standard paid a courtesy call on the newly posted OCPD Isaac Meme, the team found him working under a tree. Mr Meme was presiding over a meeting with various officers commanding police stations in the district under the scotching sun, a few metres from other.

Teething problems

“We are determined to serve the public as per our motto of Utumishi Kwa Wote. We are experiencing teething problems but we are resolute to offer our services,” said Meme.

The OCPD says he would rather his officers deliver services from under a tree than members of the public travelling all the way to Narok to be attended to.

Before the police command, residents used to travel for hundreds of kilometres to Narok. “Since we began operating here a few weeks ago, we have delivered just like our colleagues who have proper offices and housing. Members of the public have been queuing to report their cases and are happy when assisted,” said Meme.

The station has a makeshift structure that is used as a store for files and armoury. The same structure has been partitioned and converted into a cell. The floor of the structure is earthen.

The station also has one police vehicle designated for the OCPD. Facilities like water and power are conspicuously absent. The station is screaming for several amenities like offices, staff quarters and a fence to deter members of the public who freely walk into it.

Officers are forced to seek accommodation at the centre, which is several miles away from the station.

Far-flung areas

An officer who sought anonymity said she is comfortable serving at Ololulunga than in some far-flung areas of the country. She admitted they were forced to vacate the room they had been operating from to create room for the new OCPD.

“Most services are easy to access from here unlike if we were in some parts of North Eastern Kenya,” said the officer. Members of the public are a happy lot despite being served under a tree.

“We salute these officers. Despite working under a tree, they are jovial and responsive to our needs. You will not even realise they lack anything from the way they serve members of the public,” said Ruth Korir, a resident.

According to Narok South DC Chimwaga Mongo, the OCPD would be accommodated within a month but added that they would have to wait a little longer before the issue is resolved completely.

“This is an issue of structural planning and the office of the Inspector General of Police is aware of it. I want to assure the public that something is being done. We shall not put our officers through this for long,” assured Mongo.

He said his office held talks with other stakeholders and funds were being sourced to build a police station.

“This is one of the benefits of devolution; bringing services nearer to the people,” said Mongo who chairs all security meetings in the district.

He said a temporary office would be created for officers in the building that used to host the District Commissioner. Narok South legislator Korei ole Lemein said he would set aside an amount from the Constituency Development Fund kitty to go into the construction of the police station and houses for officers.

Harsh environment

He thanked the police for persevering under such a harsh working environment. “Though this is a department under the national Government, the services they are offering benefit my people. It is my responsibility to ensure that such servants are accommodated in proper facilities,” said Lemein.

He added that a stakeholders’ meeting held recently resolved to request the national Government to set aside funds for the construction of a fully equipped police division.

But before then, members of public will continue being served under a tree.