By Vitalis Kimutai

Nairobi, Kenya: An MP has threatened to move an amendment to re-allocate Sh53.2 billion set aside for laptops to teachers.

The MP gave teachers support over their demands yesterday as Parliament discussed their grievances.

Gem MP Jakayo Midiwo said he will move an amendment of budgetary allocation by National Treasury so that teachers salaries and allowances are paid once and for all.

“I will move an amendment on the floor of this House to stop rolling out of laptops programme and pay teachers because this is a matter the country must confront,” Midiwo said in Parliament.

The MP spoke as a strike by Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) started in all public secondary schools. Kuppet’s National Governing Council authorised the industrial action.

Its rival, Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), which is anytime expected to issue a strike date, has said it will not negotiate with Government.

MPs Stand off

Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) was also on the spotlight yesterday for failing to help resolve issues raised by unions, with commissioners allegedly pre-occupied with sorting out the salary standoff with MPs.

Kuppet national chairman Omboko Milemba and deputy secretary general Moses Nthurima told a press conference after a meeting that the union had taken into consideration the intervention by the Government but had resolved to proceed with the strike.

“The Government has the means to meet demands by teachers who have continued to wallow in poverty and fight for their rights through strikes,” Nthurima said.

Nthurima called on Kuppet members to keep off workstations and instead report to county secretary offices for further instructions, which would be communicated from the head office.

Allowances for teachers

“We will only consider calling off the strike if the Government meets our demands on higher salaries, harmonisation of commuter, house and leave allowances for teachers and civil servants. But it should be noted that we are open to engagement with all stakeholders on this matter,” Milemba said.

Kuppet is also demanding for responsibility allowances to be paid to principals and their deputies and heads of departments.

Mr Wilson Sossion, Knut national chairman, said the union will not negotiate with the government.

“Legal Notice No. 534 was issued 16 years ago yet the Government has taken us round and round. We are not negotiating with them anymore on this matter,” Sossion said.

Sossion added, “We are aware of an attempt to bring a Supplementary Budget before Parliament for the teachers to be paid. But we are telling them we are tired of their monkey business.”

Kuppet officials met TSC chief executive Gabriel Lengoiboni Monday evening shortly after a directive was issued by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto to ministries of National Treasury, Labour and Education to sort out the matter and avert strike.

In the meeting, Lengoiboni is reported to have told unionists that TSC could not act on the matter on its own without the input of SRC chaired by Ms Sarah Serem.

“TSC is in agreement with the union over the issues they are raising, but we can not act on this matter on our own as other key departments must be brought on board,” Lengoiboni told unionists during the meeting.

Bomet Central MP Ronald Tonui, who attended the meeting at TSC headquarters, concurred with Lengoiboni that SRC commissioners were sleeping on the job.