Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime during a previous meeting with members of the Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association (TTWCA). [Robert Menza, Standard]

Taita Taveta County government will conduct a week-long head count of staff in the wake of a ballooning wage bill.

The Department of Devolution, Public Service and Administration, Human Resource Directorate will start the staff audit on Friday.

An internal memo from the County Secretary and Head of County Public Service Habib Mruttu copied to all Chief Officers and the county public service board directs the department to undertake the exercise with seriousness it deserves since it will determine the county's engagement going forward.

Reports from the human resource department show that the county has a more than 3,000 staff.

"The purpose of this memo is to request you to release your staff to avail themselves at the venue and date as indicated in the attached programme," said Mruttu in a memo to Chief Officers.

The county secretary asked the staff to carry their original and copy of National Identification cards, KRA PIN, birth certificate, first appointment letter and coloured passport size photo.

Other documents required are original academic and professional certificates, valid driving or practicing license, bank plate and payslips.

Mruttu said staff will appear in their respective sub counties' headquarters for head count exercise.

In Voi, the data entry collection avenues will be at the sub county offices and at Moi County Referral Hospital while in Mwatate at the Municipal offices at the sub county hospital.

In Wundanyi, the data entry collection centres will be at the county Social Hall and Wesu sub county hospital while in Taveta, the exercise will be conducted at sub-county offices and Taveta hospital.

The head count has caused panic among the staff who fear it will lead to job losses. There are claims that individuals whose contracts have expired will not be renewed.

Addressing the press last week, Governor Andrew Mwadime admitted that the ballooning wage bill has become unsustainable in the wake of low revenue collection that has affected service delivery.

The governor revealed that revenue collection has reduced by 13 per cent. "Corrupt workers who used fake academic papers to secure county jobs and those undermining my administration will face the impending purge," he said.

Mwadime revealed that the revenue department will be affected the most by the staff rationalisation.

The governor said the county was facing a serious financial crisis due to delayed disbursement of funds by the Treasury.