A TNA supporter votes at Nanyuki Primary polling station in Laikipia County on Friday. 

By Standard Team

Finance Minister Njeru Githae and at least five former MPs from central Kenya lost the TNA nominations to new comers.

Githae lost his bid for party ticket to contest for the Kirinyaga County governor’s slot to Joseph Ndathi, former Foreign Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ndathi garnered 39,103 votes against Githae’s 29,532 after counting and tallying was completed shortly after 2pm on Saturday.

Githae was first elected Ndia MP in 2002 on a Narc ticket and later appointed Assistant Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

Contest oulook

Another loser in the TNA nominations was Assistant Minister in the Local Government Lewis Nguyai who was seeking to become the MP for Kabete. He lost to George Muchai, who has been the Cotu deputy secretary general, with about 1,000 votes. Muchai got 7,642, while Nguyai managed 6,802 votes.

In Limuru constituency, Peter Mwathi lost to Peter Kiragu, who garnered 9, 581 against the former MP’s 2, 535 votes.

In Murang’a County, former Maragua MP Elias Peter Mbau and his Kandara counterpart Maina Kamau lost to Peter Kamande Mwangi and lawyer Alice Muthoni Wahome.

Kamande got 16,084 votes, while Mbau, a former parliamentary budget committee chairman, managed 7,450 votes.

?Muthoni, a city lawyer, polled 27,600 votes against 10,080 for Kamau. It was sweet victory for Wahome who lodged a petition after the 2007 elections.

Former Mathioya MP Clement Wambugu survived an ouster after garnering 10,398 votes, with his rival Peter Kimari getting 8,041 votes.

Former Kangema MP Tiras Nyingi Ngahu lead the pack securing 15,339 votes flooring his rivals Duncan Githiga Mwangi who got 5,749 votes and Paul Kimani Mugo who managed only 400 votes.  Nairobi Metropolitan Minister Jamleck Kamau won with 24,363 votes with his rival Lawrence Memia getting 3,919 votes.

Tetu MP Francis FT Nyammo lost to Ndung’u Githinji, a city businessman he had narrowly beaten to secure the PNU ticket in 2007.

In President Kibaki’s Othaya constituency, the winner was businesswoman Mary Wambui who beat Othaya Development Association chairman James Gichuki Mugambi with a margin of over 1,000. She polled 13,050 against Gichuki’s 10,080.

In Kieni constituency, James Mathenge Simon beat Njoroge Wainaina to clinch the hotly contested ticket.   In Kiharu, lawyer Irungu Kang’ata secured the TNA ticket flooring Ngenye Kariuki

In the gubernatorial race, former Managing Director KCC Francis Mwangi floored his five rivals, with women representative ticket going to Sabina Wanjiru Chege. ?