Sarah Serem with fomer SRC vice chairperson Daniel Ogutu during a press conference in Nairobi on July 10 when they released the new pay structures for MPs (Photo: David Njaaga| Standard)

High court judge, Justice George Odunga has temporarily barred Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) from implementing the slashed remuneration and benefits for state officers and Members of Parliament.

SRC in a gazette notice dated July 7, 2017 had proposed new salary cuts for state officers in the executive of the national government in a move aimed at saving the taxpayer Sh9 billion annually.

In the recommended remuneration structure, Members of Parliament were the biggest losers as they were take a reduction in basic salary and lost five allowances including a Sh5 million car grant.

“The commission has made far-reaching review of remuneration and benefits for State officers. The Commission recommends the payment of a fixed salary structure guided by performance of the economy,” said former SRC chair Ms Serem when she released the new pay structure in July.

The Parliamentary service commission (PSC) would however, take SRC to court and accuse them of failing to comply with the law when conducting the review of the salaries.

Filling under a certificate of urgency, PSC argued that the Serem-led commission failed to properly conduct a study on labour market efficiency, dynamics on the prevailing economic situation and doing a comprehensive job evaluation before setting the new structures.

On the other hand, SRC maintained that it had factored considerations such as Gross Domestic Product, ordinary revenue, expenditure and public service wage bill sustainability in determining the new pay structure.

PSC would also oppose the move by SRC to slash the salaries of state officials in parliament and retain similar pay and benefits of other state officers as that seeking to discipline them and is in contravention of article 27 of the constitution.

Justice Odunga in his ruling directed SRC to be served and thereafter file responses within 7 days. The matter is set to be heard on the January 29, 2018.