Ten questions for Kim Pravey and Mbugua Kamau

Directors, Wall Art Designs 

By Allan Olingo

1. Aren’t wallpapers more expensive than paint?

Initially, wallpapers were more expensive than paint but when you look at it in the long term, they are cheaper. Paints are oxidised after two to three years and need a fresh coat, but wallpapers remain colourful for years. With the advent of technology, the cost of wallpaper is reducing.

2. What is the cost of good wallpaper?

A good quality wallpaper will cost approximately Sh2,500 per five-metre square while a customised wallpaper costs around Sh6,500 per five-metre square. All these costs are labour inclusive.

- Kim Pravey

3. What are the advantages of wallpaper over paint?

The effect, texture and feel of a wallpaper can never be achieved with any paint. Wallpapers can be customised into what one wants. We have had clients who want family portraits, sceneries, stadiums and favourite football teams among others. This shows the versatility of wallpapers. Another advantage is that they keep a room warm.

Wallpapers can last up to 25 years without being changed and above all, they are washable. Their designs also add life to the house.

4. Who are your clientele?

We do not have a specific clientele. People who understand the benefits of wallpapers will definitely have them. Most of the works we have undertaken involve expatriates because wallpapers have been embraced in their countries.

5. What varieties of wallpapers do you have?

We have different wallpapers with different textures. With almost 100 designs at our disposal, we offer the best variety.

6. What are the challenges?

One of the biggest challenges is the selection of colours and textures. With changing designs, clients may not get what they might have chosen three years ago.

7. How long does it take to put up a wallpaper?

It depends on the size of the house and the area the wallpaper is supposed occupy. In most cases, it takes us four days to a week.

8. What are the disadvantages of wallpaper?

If not well taken care of, they can prove hard to clean and maintain. Most wallpapers easily stain and those that are stain proof can cost quite a lot. Wallpapers can also fade when exposed to sunlight.

- Mbugua Kamau

9. How does paintable wallpaper compare to wallpaper?

The ordinary wallpaper lasts longer and can easily be cleaned unlike painted wallpaper. However, since paint is easily changed, painted wallpaper makes the place look new every time a new coat is applied. Paintable wallpaper also looks classier.

10. How is the Kenyan market responding to wallpapers?

Kenyans are slowly embracing this technology. And although many people still think wallpapers are substandard and cannot compare to paint, whatever wallpapers offer is far better than paint.