By Boniface Gikandi

Internal Security Minister George Saitoti on Sunday took his presidential campaign to Murang’a County where he told the electorate he was the best suited for the top post.

Saitoti urged Kenyans to vet those aspiring to take up leadership posts, saying the country was on the global watch over how it will conduct the forthcoming elections.

Speaking at Itaga Catholic Church in Maragwa constituency, Saitoti said he had the necessary experience required to govern Kenya after President Kibaki.

Accompanied by MPs Elias Mbau (Maragwa) and Gideon Konchellah (Kilgoris), Saitoti called on Kenyans to go for leaders with capacity to economically transform the country and fasttrack development projects initiated by the Kibaki administration.

Elective posts

He told youth and women not to shy off from seeking elective posts as stipulated in the constitution.

"You are the future of this nation and it is upon you to choose the leader you want to take the mantle from President Kibaki," said Saitoti.

Saitoti said Kenya was far much ahead of many African countries, including those that were endowed with natural resources.

During the function, PNU national organising secretary Mr Maina Kamanda called on Kenyans to support Saitoti’s bid, saying he has a vision.

Kamanda, however, welcomed other aspirants to join PNU and face Saitoti during the nominations.