Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko has issued a decisive ultimatum to Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) committees, urging them to finalise the construction of 140 ECDE classrooms within the span of a single month. The construction projects are currently in progress across various stages and are estimated to cost a total of Sh77 million.

During a comprehensive three-day launch tour of nine ECDE schools situated in Suna West, Kuria East, Kuria West, Rongo, Awendo, Nyatike and Uriri sub-counties, Governor Ayacko emphasised the critical significance of completing this initiative to enhance the overall quality of education.

Among the schools targeted for improvement are Ragana Primary School, Keyo Primary School, Oruba Ragana Primary School, Kasigiria Primary School, Wasimbete Jumbo Primary School, Kitabaye Primary School, Nyamaraga Primary School, Ndonyo Primary School and Got Kwer Primary School, among others.

Governor Ayacko confirmed that funds have already been disbursed to these schools, kick-starting the construction process. Currently, construction is underway for 102 ECDE classrooms, and an allocation of approximately Sh38 million remains available for the remaining classrooms.

"The completion of this project is a paramount priority for my administration, and we anticipate that it will be achieved within the next four weeks," Governor Ayacko affirmed. The comprehensive initiative encompasses the construction of 140 ECDE classrooms distributed across various schools throughout the county.

The construction projects are currently in progress across various stages and are estimated to cost a total of Sh77 million. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

This endeavour comes as a timely response to the prevailing shortage of infrastructure in Migori schools, where children often find themselves cramped within a single classroom. Some schools in the region have resorted to conducting ECDE classes under the shade of trees due to the inadequacy of proper facilities.

With the ongoing construction of these classrooms, a significant stride is anticipated in bridging the gap and addressing the infrastructure deficit within the educational system.