Suba South MP Caroli Omondi on October 5, 2022. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

Suba South MP Caroli Omondi has become the first ODM legislator from Luo Nyanza to declare that he will work with President William Ruto's government.

Mr Omondi said he will work with the Kenya Kwanza government to deliver development projects to his constituents.

He maintained that he does not need any politician's permission to work with the government.

The MP said he will use his rapport with government officials to lobby for development projects to transform the lives of Suba South residents.

He cited Mbita-Sori-Magunga road which has stalled for years, saying he will push for its completion by Ruto's administration.

The road cuts through Suba North and Suba South constituencies in Homa Bay county and Nyatike constituency in Migori county.

"This road has stalled and for it to be completed, I have to use my connections in the government and mobilise resources for doing the work," Omondi said.

Speaking at Miramba Secondary School in his constituency during the distribution of cheques, the MP said nobody will intimidate him for working with the government.

"I don't need anybody's permission to work with the government. My intention is to work with people who can help me transform the lives of Suba South residents," he said.

Omondi accompanied ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo during distribution of relief food in Nyanza.

He hit out at MPs who criticised him for accompanying Mr Owalo.

"What is wrong if we distribute food to vulnerable families who are suffering? We must focus on the interest of the people," Omondi said.

However, the MP said he will not quit ODM nor join the ruling Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Omondi is serving his first term after taking over from former Suba South MP John Mbadi who did not defend the seat in the August 9 General Election. Mr Mbadi is now a Nominated MP.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has warned MPs against decamping to Kenya Kwanza.