A section of Mombasa road is engulfed by mist. [Phillip Orwa, Standard]

Kenyans, Nairobians in particular, have woken up to extreme cold weather conditions today, with some areas experiencing light to moderate rainfall.

The weatherman had warned of biting cold and extreme chilly conditions in the months of June, July, and August.

The Kenya Meteorological Department (Kenya Met) earlier in the week anticipated light showers in the Coast, the Highlands East and West of the Rift Valley, and in North-western Kenya regions.

“The country is expected to experience moderate daytime temperatures, with the exception of northwestern Kenya (20- 35 degrees Celsius),” the weatherman said.

Areas of the Rift Valley and South-eastern lowlands are likely to experience low temperatures of less than fifteen (15) degrees at night.

Central and Rift Valley regions will particularly experience intermittent cold and cloudy conditions.

In Nairobi, mornings are most likely to be overcast with light rainfall, and showers are expected in some parts of the county in the afternoon and at night.

Netizens took to social media to lament of the chilly conditions.

Twitter user @tweetsbybilly wrote:

Just in case you think Nairobi is cold pic.twitter.com/afWEIFHOzi — Billy Ouko (@tweetsbybilly) July 8, 2022

 Experts have advised Kenyans to exercise caution during the cold season, to wade off respiratory diseases like flu, pneumonia, common cold, and asthma.

Do’s and Don’t’s in cold weather

People are advised to keep warm during cold periods. The June, and July weather demands that we wear appropriate shoes to keep our feet warm.

It is advisable that you wear high polyester garments next to your skin during the cold weather. Polyester helps to keep your skin dry and warm.

Staying fed and well hydrated is the key factor to coping with cold weather. Starvation and dehydration can worsen your situation in cold weather environments

Avoid wearing sandals and all kinds of open shoes during cold weather. Exposing your feet to cold temperatures could give your feet cold sores. One will also not be able to maneuver through muddy areas when in open shoes (in case it’s a rainy, cold weather).