SYLVIA KHASOA has been through hell and back. She talks to SILAS NYAMWEYA about living on the streets and how a Good Samaritan rescued her when she least expected

The horrors she went through on the streets haunt her to date.

“Life was horrible but food was always guaranteed when I was living in the streets and that was the only thing that kept me there,” says Sylvia.

Her mother ventured into brewing changaa and busaa at a slum in Eldoret when she regained her health.

In the streets, Sylvia learned survival tactics. She also had to drop out of school.

“The boys were rough and for us girls to survive there, we had to develop a thick skin and learn to fight for our rights. We used to collect plastics and scrap metal which we sold for a few coins. If you weren’t careful, the boys would take all the money or what we had collected for the day,”  recalled Sylvia.

Sylvia’s turning point came when a charity organization - Mully Children’s Family Home - went to Eldoret looking for street children to rescue .

Sylvia was among those selected to join the charity programme. The support entailed providing the rescued children with basic needs like food, water, clothing, and taking them to school.

Sylvia went back to school and never looked back.

After high school, the charity organization also sponsored Sylvia to pursue a diploma in Administration and Secretarial.

Sylvia’s star has continued to shine. She is now a BA in Community Development graduate from Daystar University. Her husband, John Maina Njoroge sponsored her university education.

“Through it all, I managed to beat all odds and become a successful woman in my society. I never gave up and that has never been an option to me despite all that I have been through. I am so proud and happy and my experiences were not in vain, I have learnt to appreciate life and all the highs and lows that come with it,” she adds.

Now, Sylvia is using her life story to give other girls going through what she went through hope. She has embarked on motivational programmes where she encourages girls to go for what they believe in.

“My motivation to inspire young people really comes from my experience. I have decided to always speak up whenever I have the chance to reach out to girls and young women about issues that matter in their lives,” Sylvia further explains.

She is the brains behind Simama na Dada Foundation which provides girls with sanitary towels and mentorship. This is meant to ensure that the girls remain in school and are comfortable in their learning processes.

“I believe it is my responsibility to inspire, mentor, motivate and empower all the girls and young women in my country and beyond. Campaigning for their rights to education and safe health products is my philosophy of life,” she adds.

“I know I am accountable to God to make sure that every girl and young woman out there achieve her goals and dreams.”

Sylvia is also a community practitioner at Mully Children’s Home.