The Elite Police Squad was forced to take charge of a funeral service in Kisii as MPs allied to Deputy President William Ruto and Raila Odinga clashed.

Ruto and Raila's bodyguard surrounded the two leaders as a section of leaders engaged in fist fights.

Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati's remarks forced his South Mugirango counterpart Slyvanus Osoro to jump onto the podium when he called on Ruto to keep off the company of leaders he referred as corrupt and whom he said have been defrauding other Kenyans.


South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro steps onto the podium and attempts to grab the microphone from Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

"We have several leaders here in the company of our Deputy President who have a tainted life. These are fraudsters who should not be allowed to take up any leadership position," said Arati.


The scuffle continued for almost 20 minutes as the leaders fought in blithe disregard of the mourning family.

Osoro and Arati were forced to leave the funeral midway and heading to an unknown destination.

Nominated Senator Milicent Omanga also took to the podium as she tried to hurl insults on Arati.

Omanga returned to the podium for a second time demanding to speak but was whisked away by security officers.

A number of people were injured during the fracas as supporters of various politicians shouted and heckled each other.

Both Ruto and Raila supporters have been fighting for the control of the Gusii region which is seen as a swing vote ahead of 2022 polls.

A fight erupts between MPs Simba Arati and Sylvanus Osoro. They were at funeral of Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi's father. February 1, 2021. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Osoro who spoke before Arati said the BBI Bill had not catered for the demands put forward by the Gusii Community. "We cannot support a document that seeks to benefit a few selfish leaders in the Country."

Sylvanus Osoro exchanges kicks with Simba Arati over BBI. February 1, 2021. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Deputy Governor Joash Maangi was forced to take over the function calling for calm. He invited his boss Governor James Ongwae who took over as the master of ceremony.

Mourners attempt to separate MPs Simba Arati and Sylvanus Osoro who engaged in fisticuffs over BBI during the funeral of Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi's father. February 1, 2021. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Ongwae said Abagusii are known to be peaceful people. "Such incidents should not be allowed."

Both Ruto and Raila later addressed the mourners and called for respect among Kenyan leaders.