New assessments, new measures, highlights: an update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic around the world.

More than 2 million cases

More than two million cases of the new coronavirus have been officially declared worldwide, including more than 131,000 deaths, according to a count made by AFP Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. GMT from official sources.

The United States pays the heaviest price, with 28,326 deaths for more than 637,000 cases.

Next come Italy (with 21,645 dead), Spain (18,579), France (17,167) and the United Kingdom (12,868).

WHO: Trump's decision challenged

Several countries and organizations have regretted President Donald Trump's decision to suspend the American contribution to the World Health Organization (WHO), which he accuses of having made many "mistakes" on the coronavirus and of being too close to China.

"WHO will work with its partners to fill any financial gap" and "guarantee that our work continues without interruption", according to its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Debt of poor countries suspended

To help the poorest countries face the pandemic, the G20 countries have decided to suspend debt repayments for one year.

Denmark reopens its schools

Schools reopened in half of the municipalities in Denmark on Wednesday after a month of closure. It is the first European country to reopen nurseries, nursery and primary schools. All establishments are expected to be open by April 20.

Reduced restrictions

Germany will reopen certain stores and, from May 4, its schools and high schools.

The government strongly recommends the wearing of masks in stores and public transport. Large gatherings will remain prohibited until at least August 31.

Finland announced Wednesday the immediate lifting of roadblocks around Helsinki and its region, keeping restrictions in force in the country.

In Lithuania, from Thursday, some stores may reopen, provided that direct contact with the customer does not exceed 20 minutes.

In India, part of the population will be able to return to work next week.

In Austria, professional athletes will be able to return to training before the end of April.


Washington and Beijing say they want to cooperate

The United States and China pledged on Wednesday to cooperate to fight the new coronavirus, despite the still high tensions between the two great powers.

Donald Trump's administration accuses Beijing of having "concealed" the gravity of the epidemic when it first appeared in China and froze the American contribution to the World Health Organization, accusing it of having aligned with Chinese positions.

Partial unemployment

Almost 3.9 million people are partially unemployed in Spain and 8.7 million in France.

The French government presented on Wednesday an emergency plan of 110 billion euros, to "significantly strengthen" the arrangements for "support for the economic emergency". He also announced bonuses for carers and aid for the most disadvantaged households.

Possible contagion before symptoms

People infected with Covid-19 could transmit the virus several days before the first symptoms appear, according to a study published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Mandatory masks

Luxembourg will make it compulsory to wear a mask, scarf or scarf from Monday.

In Gabon, the mask is mandatory since Wednesday morning, as in Equatorial Guinea, which also asks its citizens to wear gloves outside.

Quirky Tour de France

The Tour de France has been shifted, with departure on August 29 from Nice (south-eastern France) and arrival on September 20 in Paris.

In turn, the dates of the Tour of Spain cycling will be changed, to dates still unknown.

Amazon closes its French sites for 5 days

The Amazon group will close its French sites from April 16 to 20, after a court order ordering it to limit its delivery activity pending a risk assessment against the coronavirus.

In Peru, a baby born contaminated with Covid-19

A baby was born infected with the new coronavirus carried by his mother, Wednesday in Peru, announced the health authorities, who affirm that it is the "second case" of this type in the world.