Kisii Governor James Ongwae chairs a meeting of county health department and those from National government and medical practitioners on coronavirus preparedness at his office. [Sammy Omingo, Standard]
Kisii County has put in place a joint County and National Government Corona Virus (COVID-19) Emergency Response Committee following the confirmation of the first case in the country.
The county emergency team will coordinate any emerging issues in relation to the coronavirus and will be dissolved once the World Health Organisation gives the way forward.
Main containment area has been put in place at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital.
Governor James Ongwae said measures have been put in place to ensure that the idea to keep high standards of hygiene and keeping off overcrowding in public areas are adhered to in the county.
"We are not taking chances, let the public understand all that what the government is doing is for their safety."
Health executive Sarah Omache said the county will preserve one facility in every Sub County to be used as an isolation centre.
Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital Chief executive Dr Enock Ondari said hand washing equipment, sanitisers and a screening unit have been put strategically in the hospital.
"We must avoid crowding in public facilities and ensure that we keep the highest levels of hygiene."
The Emergency and Response Committee will be co-chaired by the Governor and the County Commissioner; Stephen Kehara and will have the County Director Public Health officer as its Secretary.
Other members include County NSI Coordinator, Dean School of Health Sciences Kisii University, CEO KTRH, and CECs discharge of Education, Health, Administration and the County Secretary.