Last week the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) commercialised three new high-quality passion fruit varieties that will help farmers gain high profits from the rising demands for the fruit and its juice.

The three varieties known as Kenya passion fruit number 4(KPF 4), 11 (KPF 11) and 12(KPF 12) were developed for over twenty years of research to give better returns from the fruit.

Drought tolerant

They can be grown in any part of the country as they tolerate erratic weather conditions. They are superior in quality and more suited to the fresh market compared to the variety grown in coastal regions.

Most farmers rely on rain-fed agriculture, the size of the fruits will not be affected by low rains as they can still produce large fruits.

The fruits are sweet, juicer, large and more tolerant to soil and foliar diseases. The fact that they are more juicer and sweeter will help traders and framers gain more returns from the fruits.

The fruits deliver a quick financial return for both the domestic and export markets due to its fast maturity rate.

Ready market

Coca-Cola has offered to buy passion fruits concentrate from intermediaries to make its fruit juice due to the country’s passion fruit production capacity is below the market demand.

The new variety has a prolonged shelf life as it takes time before it shrivels and loses moisture. They also produce a high yield.

Pest and disease resistant

Unlike the yellow and purple passion that was affected by pests and diseases. The new variety can withstand pest and diseases that lead to reduced production. They are not affected by the erratic weather patterns that have been a great challenge to farmers.