Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen with Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa and Gatundu MP Moses Kuria. [File, Standard]

Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen has threatened to oppose the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report should the final document fail to capture the aspirations of Kenyans.

Murkomen warned the would-be crafters of the referendum draft bill that anything limiting the sovereignty of Kenyans will face stiff opposition from him and other like-minded Kenyans.

The Elgeyo Marakwet senator hinted that there will be a NO team during the referendum and that he is not only willing but ready to lead the anti-BBI campaign.

He also warned against the use of BBI report to create more tribal position to undermine devolution, saying they will oppose such provisions.

“If the final BBI report doesn’t capture the aspirations of the people of Kenya and a referendum to amend the Constitution is organised with a draft that limits the sovereign power of the people or create tribal positions or undermine devolution, I will oppose and lead the NO Team,” he tweeted on Saturday.

The remarks comes just a days after another Tanga tanga allied politician announced that Deputy President William Ruto will attend a BBI forum slated for Meru county.

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria announced on his social media accounts that Ruto will join ODM leader Raila Odinga for the Meru BBI rally.

He described the rally as one of its kind and the most inclusive among the other rallies with the two leaders set to attend.

“The Meru BBI rally on February 29 will be the best so far. If inclusivity is one of the aspirations of the BBI, this will be the hallmark of the Meru rally with Ruto set to attend for the first time alongside Raila. This is the Kenya we want,” he wrote on his Facebook

This, is a departure from Murkomen’s earlier assertion that they were willing to pass the document even if it meant creating more positions.

Murkomen who has been leading a section of Tangatanga legislators to the ongoing BBI rallies had earlier backed calls for a referendum saying the BBI report was accepted by all Kenyans hence no need of carrying out divisive campaigns.

Speaking during the BBI rally at the Mama Ngina grounds in Mombasa last month, Murkomen said he supported the BBI report and calls for a referendum.

Leaders allied to Ruto had earlier opposed calles for a referendum saying most of the proposed changes in the BBI document ccould be passed in Parliament.

It was until the Mombasa rally that some of the Tangatanga legislators led by Murkomen changed tune and started drumming up support for a referendum.