Design Source Architect Emma Miloyo (left) explains how a complete Moi Education Centre Secondary School will look. [Beverlyne Musili/Standard]

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has called for increased investment in education.

Gideon, who spoke at Moi Educational Centre in Nairobi yesterday, said quality education is the best tool the disadvantaged in our society can use to fight poverty.

Education is the only means by which we can bring equality and opportunities to all people, he said.

He said this is what fired up former President Daniel Moi’s passion for education, which has become a core part of his legacy.

“He (former president) saw the future and realised Kenya will not develop without investment in education,” the senator said when he presided over the groundbreaking of Moi Educational Centre High School.

The state-of-the-art Moi Educational Centre, a top performer in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations, hopes to start admitting Form One and Form Two students from January 2020.

“It is the duty of all leaders to ensure the education of all children is secured,” said Gideon.

He added: “Education is the way and the biggest equaliser in any society. It provides every person with a future and associated opportunities.”

The Kanu chairman also touched on the important role teachers play in the education sector, describing it as special.

“The work of a teacher is special. We all know when it begins, when he or she teaches in class or when we meet the students they have taught but we will never know when the work of a teacher comes to an end for the good work of a teacher never ends,” Gideon said.

He added: “The impact of a good teacher is like ripples in the sea of humanity and history. These ripples are eternal and everlasting.”

Moi Educational Centre board chairman Paul Chemng’orem said the idea to start a secondary school has been in the works for some time.

“It is the wish of many parents that their children transition to secondary school in this same institution,” he said.

Meanwhile, the senator said the expansion should not be seen as merely adding another school

“It is part of our important legacy and our big plan to educate Kenya. One day, this school will celebrate this day as an important anniversary, perhaps 25, 50 or 100 years down the line,” Gideon said.

The senator said such investments in the sector is what will cement legacies.

“I pray history may judge us with mercy. If we happen to be in this world and you ask how we did what did, we will answer that we are no more than mere servants. We have simply fulfilled our duty,” he said.