James Yegon, Amos Lumet and Jacob Rono appeared before Chief Magistrate Josephat Kalo in a Nakuru Court on March 6, 2019. (Picture Courtesy, Standard)

Three people have been charged with being in possession of four pieces of elephant tusks.

The three, among them former MCA aspirants, were arrested at Nakuru hotel.

Amos Lumet and Jacob Rono Tubei were ward aspirants for Koibatek and Lembus Perkerra wards respectively in the 2017 General elections.

 Amos Lumet, Jacob Rono Tubei and James Yegon Chelugo were arrested at Bontana hotel in Nakuru with elephant tusks weighing 8kgs with a street value of Sh1.6 million.

They were also charged with dealing in wildlife trophy without the permit from Kenya Wildlife Service.

The accused persons denied the charges before the Chief Magistrate Josephat Kalo. 

Through their lawyer John Ochang they pleaded with the court to be released on lenient bond terms citing that they were all sole breadwinners in their families.

“I plead with the court to release my clients on a lenient and reasonable bond term and cash bail. All of them are breadwinners for their families and denying them bond will be an infringement of their right,” said Ochang. 

A KWS Officer display some of the Tusks nabbed in Nakuru on March 5,2019 (Picture Courtesy, Standard)

Chelugo, Lumet and Tubei were arrested at around 11 pm on Monday at Bontana Hotel after the Kenya wildlife officers received a report that the three were selling the trophy and were heading to Kabarnet Town to meet a buyer, which prompted the officers to negotiate with them as they posed as buyers.

The court released the three accused persons on a bond of Sh2 million with an alternative cash bail of Sh1 million each.

“Three accused persons may be released on a bond of Sh2 million with a surety of similar amount, or an alternative cash bail of Sh1 million each,” said the Chief Magistrate.

The court heard that the three were using a motor vehicle, Toyota wagon KBE 619U to transport the trophies.

The vehicle was confiscated and is currently being held for a period of 14 days at Nakuru Central Police Station after the prosecution sought orders to hold it to allow them to complete their investigation.

The case will be mentioned on March 20.