Veganism, the plant-based diet which shuns meat and dairy, is having its time in the sun. Research suggests that, if well planned, veganism can have health benefits and lead to significant changes within the body.

In the first few weeks...

You will notice an energy boost due to the increase in vitamin, minerals and fibre found in plants.

There’s likely to be a shift in bowel function either towards a more regular, healthy pattern or an increase in bloating, wind and loose motions. This is due to the higher fibre content of a vegan diet and the simultaneous increase in carbohydrates that ferment in the gut and can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

In three to six months

You will notice acne start to clear up due to the increase in fruit and vegetables and reduced processed food. By this point however, your stores of vitamin D might be dropping as key sources of it in our diet come from meat, fish and dairy, and it isn’t always noticeable until it’s too late. Vitamin D isn’t well understood but it’s essential in keeping bones, teeth and muscles healthy and deficiency has been linked with cancer, heart disease, migraines and depression. Get some sun to enable your body make some vitamin D. Ensure yo eat plenty of fortified foods or take a supplement especially in the cooler months.

In six months ...

Vitamin B12 stores may become depleted. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is essential to the healthy functioning of blood and nerve cells and can only be found in animal products. Symptoms of B12 deficiency include breathlessness, exhaustion, poor memory and tingling in the hands and feet.

B12 deficiency is easily prevented by eating three portions of fortified food per day or taking a supplement.

In a few years...

Even our bones will start to notice the change. Vegetables rich in calcium like kale and brocolli protect bones. However, plant-based calcium is harder to absorb and therefore supplements or plenty of fortified foods is recommended.

When contemplating the years ahead on a vegan diet, balance is key. Many of those benefits can be offset by deficiencies if the diet isn’t managed carefully, but supermarkets and food outlets are making it easier than ever to enjoy a varied and exciting vegan diet. With the right preparation, a vegan diet can be as appetizing as it is good for health.

Courtesy of The Conversation