Korean national team are expected in Mombasa today ahead of the World Tae-kwondo Demonstration Day celebrations set for tomorrow.

The Koreans are among 1,000 players expected to participate in the demonstration exercise to be held at the Treasury Square in Mombasa.

The event has been organised by Coast Taekwondo Association in partnership with the County Government of Mombasa.

Association Chairman Kim Kyu Jong said majority of the participants are drawn from the Republic of Korea.

He said the one-day event will be open and will be held for the first time in Mombasa County, with Nairobi having hosted previous events.

Jong said the aim of the event is to promote the sport at the grassroots level. "Mombasa County has provided the venue for the demonstration and Governor Hassan Ali Joho is expected to grace the event," he said.    

Branch secretary Crispin Mwadime said the demonstration is a strategic plan to promote and nurture talent in the county. [Ernest Ndunda]