The nominations of Miguna to deputize Governor Sonko to be tabled today in the County Assembly for vetting. [Photo:Standard]

Nairobi County Assembly will this week vet to either approve or disapprove lawyer Miguna Miguna’s nomination to the position of deputy governor.

Speaking at a local TV station, County assembly Speaker Beatrice Elachi on Monday morning said the vetting of Miguna will go on whether Miguna is in the country or not.

“We will table the motion before the assembly this week, I don’t want to talk much about it as it is a matter to be discussed before all members of the County Assembly,” said Elachi

“Once it is tabled this week then from there it will move according to the Standing Orders,” she added.

Governor Mike Sonko forwarded Miguna’s name on May 18 for vetting and approval by the county assembly.

In the letter Sonko said that Miguna meets all requirements provided for in the Constitution, the Leadership and Integrity Act, the County Government Act and the Elections Act to deputize him.

“I hereby forward my nominee, Lawyer Miguna Miguna to undergo full vetting process and approval by the County Assembly for the position of Deputy Governor,” Sonko’s nomination letter read.

Miguna however, dismissed the nomination saying it was a malicious distraction.