South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa

South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa has been appointed as President by African National Congress (ANC) following Jacob Zuma resignation.

Ramaphosa was chosen by lawmakers as permanent president, a role he will fill until elections next year.

The National Assembly speaker congratulated the country's new president as she wished former president the best in his endeavours.

His appointment was certain as Members of Parliament elected him unopposed.

In his address, Ramaphosa vowed to be a servant and engage all stakeholders including all leaders of political parties for the country’s good.

“I feel humbled for being given this privilege to serve the people of this country…it is a humbling occasion,” said Ramaphosa

Zuma resigned as South Africa President Wednesday night, heeding to orders by the ruling ANC.

This news came as a shocker to many as Zuma had stayed put over the last few days amid pressure and turmoil from ANC.

His resignation brings to an end his nine-year scandal-plagued years in power.  In a televised speech, Zuma said

“ I have served South Africa to the best of my ability. I am forever grateful that they trusted me with their highest office in the land. When I accepted the deployment, I understood and undertook to subject myself to the supreme law of the land- The Constitution.”

In his farewell address to the nation said he disagreed with the way ANC had pushed him towards an early exit after Ramaphosa replaced him as party president in December.

Zuma’s departure offers evidence of the strength of South Africa’s institutions, from the courts to the media and the constitution.