For the second day running, former governor Peter Munya took campaigns for the National Super Alliance (NASA) to Tigania and Igembe regions.
Accompanied by Peter Kaberia, his running mate in the August 8 election, Mugambi Imanyara, who lost the Senate race to Mithika Linturi, and NASA leader Mike Makarena, Mr Munya (pictured) got a mixed reception, with sections of the crowds shouting pro-Jubilee slogans.
Munya first addressed a rally at KK market but only spoke briefly amid chants of "Jubilee!" He and his companions received a better reception at Laare market, where he received more votes in the election whose results he has challenged in court.
Although he met some opposition in his initial stops from Jubilee supporters, the former governor was cheered at Antubetwe Kiongo and Kiengu markets in Igembe Central.
Munya and Imanyara have filed petitions to have Kiraitu's and Mr Linturi's wins overturned. Munya's decision to join NASA continues to elicit reactions from local leaders.
Joseph M'eruaki, who lost the Igembe North parliamentary seat to Maoka Maore, said NASA should not expect any votes from the region.