IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati (Photo: Courtesy)

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) appointed a seven member team on Tuesday for purposes of the presidential election to be held on 17th October 2017.

The IEBC team:

Project Coordinator: Mr. Marjan Hussein Marjan

Head of Operations: Dr. Sidney Namulungu

Head of Logistics: Ms. Nancy Kariuki

Head of Training: Mr. Bernard Misati Moseti

Head of Legal: Salome Oyugi

Head of ICT: Mr. Albert Gogo under the direct supervision of the National Returning Officer.

According to IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati, the appointment takes immediate effect and will last for a period of 3 months.

The IEBC Chairman, who is the National Returning Officer, appoints a project team for the October 17th Presidential Polls — IEBC (@IEBCKenya) September 5, 2017

The electoral commission while announcing the date for a repeat election on Monday, stated that only President Uhuru Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga will be on the ballot.

The Supreme Court nullified President Uhuru's re-election, ordering a fresh presidential election in 60 days.

According to the Chief Justice David Maraga, IEBC overlooked the Consititution, committed various illegalities affecting integrity of polls. Justices Njoki Ndung'u and Jackton Ojwang', however, indicated that the election was free and fair. CJ Maraga noted that what they read was a 'determination of the court and not a ruling'.

He added that the Court would give a comprehensive ruling in 21 days.