Requiem mass of the late Chris Msando. (Photo Courtesy)

The requiem mass for former Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission ICT manager Chris Msando was held today at Consolata Shrine in Westlands, Nairobi, today.

Photo: Courtesy

Chris Msando was killed on July 29 and his body dumped in a forest in Kikuyu, Kiambu County.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati

Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission Wafula Chebukati recognized Chris Msando had left as he was one of the minds behind KIEMs kit.

Photo: Courtesy

Government pathologist Johansen Oduor, through autopsy, revealed that Msando was strangled to death together with his female friend Maryanne Ngumbu.

IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba. (Photo: Courtesy)

IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba urged to speed up investigations and bring perpetrators to justice.

Photo: Courtesy

Slain IEBC ICT director Chris Msando’s wife Eva Buyu views her husband’s body during a requiem mass at Consolata shrines in Nairobi. She asked the Government to ensure Msando's killers are brought to book.