Some of the Nasa supporters cheer during the launch of nasa manifesto on 27/6/17-BEVERLYNE MUSILI

The Opposition alliance says fighting corruption will start from the presidency and Cabinet if elected in the August 8 elections.

Public servants in the NASA government will be forced to take moral and political responsibility or be dismissed for misconduct as part of its war on corruption.

According to the NASA manifesto launched, Cabinet members will also be required to disclose their financial interests on appointments.

It promises to declare corruption a threat to national security and establish a specialised department in the National Intelligence Service dedicated to corruption surveillance.

If there is anything the Opposition party has given the ruling party sleepless nights is the fight against corruption.

NASA says its appointees and elected members shall abide by a specific code of conduct spelt out in its coalition agreement.

According to the agreement, the NASA administration shall not do business with the Government either directly or indirectly.

“We shall not tolerate conflict of interest between public and private affairs. Every one of us will disclose their financial interests on appointment so that we ensure there is no potential for personal benefit from policy decisions that they may make,” the document reads in part.

NASA also says it shall demand of its members and appointees to take moral and political responsibility for misconduct, failing which they shall stand dismissed.

The manifesto notes that the country has laws and institutions to combat corruption but cannot work when the presidency is the refuge of the most corrupt.

“We cannot end corruption when there is no line between the public interest and the private business interests of the powerful. This has to end,” the manifesto says in its governance part dubbed ‘Ending the culture of ‘madharau' (impunity).

NASA says ending impunity is not a Government policy issue but a leadership imperative. It says if given the mandate, the NASA president will never get away with passing the buck to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) or Judiciary.

“We are telling the world that Kenya is turning a new leaf, where investors can come without fear of being obstructed to extract bribes and our development partners can trust that the assistance they provide us will be in safe hands,” the manifesto says.

To transform governance, the NASA government says its promise hinges on a motivated and adequately compensated public service.

“NASA is committed to restoring responsible prudent fiscal policy and public financial management so as to be able to afford adequate compensation for the public service,” the document reads. The public service will be a worthy custodian of public resources by shunning corruption, wasteful spending and ensuring the public gets value for money in everything it does.

“The culture of privilege and extravagance must end. Spending public money on fleets of expensive cars, opulent offices and other extravagances in a country where many people can barely make ends meet, where public facilities are dilapidated, where people with disabilities needs are unmet is unconscionable,” it adds.

NASA also promises to resolve the perennial industrial disputes particularity in the education and health sectors within 100 days in office. It says it will break all cartels.

It argues that there is a myth from textbook economics that markets will become competitive and deliver quality goods and services at the best price if left on their own.

"This is not true. Left on their own, market players form cartels. Shopkeepers will cheat on weights of commodities, traders will adulterate milk, conmen will sell counterfeits," it reads.