NAIROBI, KENYA: Kenyans willing to travel to United States of America need to plan ahead following extension of waiting time for visa appointment to 30 days from one week.

The US embassy in Nairobi announced the changes in an internal memo on Tuesday, this week

This is likely to inconvenience many who may be having urgent appointments abroad.

"Please be advised the Visa interview waiting time at the US embassy, Nairobi is now 30 days up from seven days. We recommend that you advise your clients to plan ahead so as to avoid unnecessary delays," read part of the memo sent to the staff.

But an official at the embassy explained the move was temporary and would be reviewed soon.
The official said the move had been occasioned by transfer of some staff from the embassy.

"Seasonal demand for visas and the rotation of consular staff does affect the wait time for interviews at the US Embassy during some periods of the year including the months of June, July and August," the official said.

The official added; "As always, we are working to accommodate and facilitate travel to the United States but recommend that travelers plan ahead."