[Company Disclaimer: This article has been lifted from the nation.co.ke website to appear only on the Presidential debates website]

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday hit out at the Opposition, accusing its leaders of inciting Kenyans through negative rhetoric as he gave out Sh358 million to settle integrated internally displaced persons in Kisii County.

Mr Kenyatta said the National Super Alliance (Nasa) leaders were using their campaigns to incite Kenyans against each other and issue statements that could divide the country.

In an apparent reference to remarks by the Nasa leaders, who on Monday accused the Jubilee coalition of being behind the death of Mumias Sugar Company legal affairs officer Ronald Lubya, the President asked the Opposition to stop speculating over the death and allow police to unearth those behind the killing.

The statements by the Opposition risked dividing the country, he said, adding that the spirit of democracy called for the advocacy of policies and agenda by politicians seeking elective positions.


“We must engage in policy and issue-based politics not careless talk, insults and divisive politics as we have witnessed from our opponents. Kenyans do not want to engage a reverse gear. They are wise and will choose credible leaders,” said Mr Kenyatta on a campaign tour of Kisii.

 “Announcing one’s death in public rallies will not solve anything. Let the aggrieved seek help from the relevant authorities. If the Opposition thinks they have information on the death, they should go to the police,” said Mr Kenyatta who was accompanied by Kisii Senator Chris Obure and Jubilee Senate aspirant Charles Nyachae.

Nasa leaders, including flag bearer Raila Odinga on Monday pointed an accusing finger at the ruling coalition, claiming Mr Lubya was killed for refusing to give in to attempts to have the company used to hide illegal sugar imports from South Sudan.


The leaders were speaking during a campaign tour of Machakos County.

Mr Lubya was killed by unknown assailants at his Kholera home, Matungu constituency, on Sunday night.

Mr Kenyatta also criticised the Opposition for what he termed negligence of the internally displaced persons, saying leaders who served in the Grand Coalition Government failed to compensate the IDPs evicted from their homes.

He asked leaders to be cautious not to repeat the 2007/08 post election chaos, saying Kenyans would never again shed blood because of elections.

The President then presented a Sh358 million cheque to be distributed to 7,000 out of the 9,000 IDPs in Kisii, with each family expected to receive Sh50,000 out of the Sh200,000 they had sought from the government.


Mr Kenyatta is today expected to give an additional Sh470 million to another group of IDPs in Nyamira County.

Gusii land, comprising both Nyamira and Kisii County has a total of 14,000 registered IDPs, according to Kisii County IDPs chairman Alfred Akama.

“It was important that we first sort out those in camps and we are glad that you were received by your relatives after being evicted. I plead with you not to go back to politics that will bring us new IDPs. Let us focus on issue-based politics,” said Mr Kenyatta.

“Some utterances should not be coming from some leaders when we all know what took place in 2007.”


Mr Kenyatta, who is seeking a second term in the face of an intensified campaign by the Opposition to kick him out office, addressed residents during stopovers in Masimba, Keroka, Keumbu and Jogoo turn-off in Kisii town.

He also addressed rallies in Nyatieko in Kitutu Chache South.

Earlier reports indicated that crowds said to be Nasa supporters on Monday night burnt Jubilee campaign materials in Kisii Town ahead of the President’s visit.

Source: Daily Nation