The very first question that should come to our mind is, what is alcohol?. What effects does it have to our body or general body healthy? and to what extent? Therefore allow me to take you through.

I will explain everything related to alcohol, the effects it has on our body specifically how it affects health, fat loss, muscle gain, performance and strength and how to manage alcohol and still get good results.

 Alcohol is a drug that causes sedating and slows down the brain and the nervous system. Using alcohol is dangerous to our healthy and this causes us to function abnormally.

Any person drinking alcohol every time develops a habit and when you have developed that disease of taking alcohol you cannot do anything unless you drink to keep at par.

I am very sure nobody will ever advise you to take alcohol under any circumstance. Unless they want to bring you down or take advantage of you because under influence of alcohol you just do crazy things.

Alcohol has a variety of effects in our body, for example vomiting, excessive sweating, depression, shaking and hallucinations.

For a case of alcohol beginner, they can vomit endlessly and this is not good at all as far as our body health is concerned.
Also, alcohol causes slurred speech, poor vision and if you take alcohol at an early age it causes brain damage, this can be fatal because brain development is hindered.

This can make you a person who forgets so easily. There are instances where you gulp and this constitute to a headache, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, loss of sleep, anxiety in thinking and you can pass out within no time.
There are the long time effects of alcohol which can be dangerous if not looked upon keenly and urgently ,for instance alcohol can bring you stomach problems, regular contagious, skin problem, liver and brain impairment, injury to reproductive organs ,depression, relationship problems, forgetting easily, diabetes, legal troubles, poor diet among others.

Alcohol and fat loss, do you know that drinking and doing excessive exercise is of no benefit?. Assume your fundamental goal is to loose wait, yes sometimes you can hit the jackpot of your target but it's rare, it's good to do drink moderately or not at all if you want to achieve your main goal.

You may wonder what the connection between weight and alcohol is, yes it is a good question, though. Alcohol has calories that affect your metabolic rate.

They offer no room for metabolism which is responsible for breaking down your fat. Therefore when trying to adhere to your weight loss timetable, it like you’re doing nothing because the alcohol you drink hinders your goals.

Instead you keep adding more weight. Controlling alcohol intake or how much you take is the hardest thing you can ever do, leave alone losing weight.

Alcohol offers a lot of calories to your body and nothing else in return, only fattening, sometimes alcohol intake depends on the individual and how often you take.

But as far as you want to maintain your body fitness it’s good to kick out the hell out from your life.

Alcohol and muscle gain, There’s no query that an active diet plan can affect weight loss and muscle expansions.

Research shows that, once it arises to shedding weight or gaining muscle, a trainee’s diet plan adds up around 75 percent. This comprises drinks, from water for hydration and others beverages like alcohol which most take for leisure or as a form of relieving stress.

Alcohol, precisely, may play a fundamental part in devastating your aim, particularly when it comes to muscle expansions or gaining.

 Alcohol also is a great enemy to our immune system and for example, when you get injuries during the exercise it does not heal easily.

This makes you waste a lot of your time nursing mild injuries that can go within a week. But the fact is, your immune system is below repair line and therefore cannot easily control or fight such ailments.
Last but not least, the good news is that even with your drinking habit you can still win the game, it is said everything starts in our brain. Therefore it means you can easily manage your alcohol intake and achieve good results.

Rules that should guide you are.

a. Accept you have drunk alcohol turmoil.
b. Try to go a day without the drink and measure your performance level.
c. Stick to your workout plan
d. If you can do it completely, try to hang out with friends or families who do not take alcohol, ask the hell how they live such a free alcohol lives.
e. You can also visit your personal doctor for additional guidance
f. Also ask your tutor/trainer to help you quit, if possible.
g. Finally, you will meet yourself enjoying a free alcohol life.
Sometimes though hard, you should remember that with alcohol you’re just messing up yourself and at the end of the day, you cannot achieve good results.

You are not alone in the alcohol wagon.Some have already made it and they are happy for that. Fight for the best and win the game. Everyone will be happy you made it, but remember the great credit is yours. All the best.