From left Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi, Deputy President William Ruto, Elgeiyo-Marakwet senator Kipchumba Murkomen and Baringo central MP Sammy Mwaita during Baringo Goat Auction and Cultural Festival at Kimalel, Baringo County on December 17, 2016. [PHOTO:KIPSANG JOSEPH/Standard]

Jubilee leaders including Deputy President William Ruto on Saturday asked Opposition leaders to stop meddling with the affairs of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

The leaders said IEBC was an independent body that cannot be ordered around by individuals who have sensed defeat ahead of the next general election.

Speaking at Kimalel grounds in Baringo County during this year’s goats’ auction event, Ruto said IEBC was protected by law and told the Opposition to stop threatening the electoral body.

Senators Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet), Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho), Sammy Mwaita (Baringo Central), Grace Kiptui (Baringo) and Asman Kamama (Tiaty), Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi and Nakuru County Assembly Speaker Susan Kihika were present.

“Our competitors should know that IEBC does not report to Jubilee and neither is it answerable to the Coalition of Reforms and Democracy (CORD),” the deputy president said.

“IEBC is an independent body that is charged with the management of elections and we should give it the opportunity to do its work without interference,” he added.

Ruto said Opposition leaders should make a choice either to be staff and managers of IEBC or be prepared to compete with Jubilee come the next election.

“We ask our friends in the Opposition to make a decision on whether they should work for the IEBC as staff or managers or alternatively be prepared to compete with us come 2017 by leaving the electoral body to discharge its mandate,” said Ruto.

He added: “As politicians, we should leave IEBC issues to be run by professionals because we are neither workers nor managers of the electoral body. Our work is to prepare our manifestos and look for votes from the people.”

The Deputy President assured Kenyans that the Government would ensure free, fair and credible elections during the next general election.

“I want to assure Kenyans that we will do our best to ensure free, fair and credible elections come 2017. There will be no room for violence for whatever reason in our country,” he said.