Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter (left) and Kapsaret MP Oscar Sudi line up as they wait to welcome President Uhuru Kenyatta at Kesses in Uasin Gishu County last Thursday. [PHOTO: PETER OCHIENG/STANDARD]

A senior official in the office of the Deputy President has accused two MPs of harassing him in Nandi County.

Emmanuel Talam, the director of communications in the office of the DP, recorded a statement at Kapsabet Divisional Police headquarters alleging that Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi and his Nandi Hills counterpart Alfred Keter manhandled him during President Uhuru Kenyatta’s weekend visit to the area.

“I was on duty and waiting for the presidential entourage at Kimondi when I was accosted by Sudi and Keter. They accused me of hiring people to beat up Keter. Similarly, Keter said I had hired the youth to beat him up and that I was distributing leaflets inciting the public against them, which is not true,” said Mr Talam.

He said he had reported the matter since it was a serious threat to his life especially during this electioneering period, adding that the efforts by the public to calm the MPs bore no fruit as they insisted that they would deal with him.

“It is responsible for me to report the matter so that appropriate measures may be taken. I cannot take chances with a threat to my life. It is also wise for politicians to stop getting emotional and violent when we differ in opinion. The two are my friends and we have never had any differences, unless ideological ones, which is normal,” he added.

According to Talam, politicians’ statements should not be taken lightly because their supporters could actualise threats by harming the targeted people.


“Sudi called me from behind when I was making a reference to a roadmap and said ‘Wewe ndiye umelipa vijana kumchapa Keter? (Is it you who has paid youths to attack Keter?’ as he poked my chest. Keter joined in and did the same saying ‘Hatukuogopi, wewe ni nani?’ (We are not afraid of you, who are you?),” said Talam.

Talam has made public his interest in the Nandi Hills constituency seat in next year’s General Election.

Nandi Central OCPD Stephen Obara confirmed receiving the complaint from Talam, saying an inquiry file had been opened and that the two MPs will be summoned to record statements on the incident.

In a rejoinder, Sudi said it was Talam who had incited the public against him and Keter and they only asked him why he was using his position as an aide of the DP to undermine his political competitors.

“There was no manhandling but we questioned why he would tell the public that we deserve to be beaten.

“He said so when the DP raised a concern about our loyalty to the party and sensibly it is him who was threatening our lives by asking the public to be hostile to us,” said Sudi.

Sudi reiterated that he has no personal differences with Talam.