Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keriako Tobiko address journalists in a Nairobi Hotel. [Photo:WILLIS AWANDU/STANDARD].

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko has directed the Director of Criminal Investigations to interrogate Mombasa politician Suleiman Shahbal over remarks ‘they will steal 2017 elections’.

Tobiko said his attention had been drawn to the video that captured Shahbal make the remarks in Kilifi on January 2.

The DPP said Shahbal’s words may amount to criminal offences under the election and criminal laws.

“This is therefore to direct you to cause the said person to be immediately interrogated and speedy investigations conducted into the offensive utterances and resultant inquiry file forwarded to this office without delay for perusal and appropriate action,” said Tobiko.

The video emerged showing the Mombasa gubernatorial loser in the 2013 general election threatening that Jubilee will win the 2017 polls through fair or foul means, including the use of force and fraud.

Suleiman, a wealthy businessman, delivered the now controversial statement during a meeting at Pwani University in Kilifi County attended by Deputy President William Ruto and National Assembly Majority leader Aden Duale.

The controversial politician warned that "we will win the 2017 election by force" and declared that the ruling coalition was prepared for any consequences of a flawed poll.

He angrily asked the crowd he was addressing to support his proposal as other leaders present looked in shock and horror.

"I would like to tell you that we shall win the 2017 election. We shall win the 2017 elections by force. We shall buy it, we shall steal it, whatever it will be," said Shahbal.

Shahbal's remark has caused a storm on social media and prompted the Mombasa branch of The National Alliance TNA to denounce the businessman who defected from CORD mid last year and has promised to convert Mombasa into a Jubilee zone. Shahbal has declared himself the interim chairman of the newly launched Jubilee Party.

Jubilee Party Alliance officials in Mombasa yesterday criticized Shahbal describing his statement as reckless and warned that what the politician said could paint President Uhuru Kenyatta's government as corrupt.

JAP Coast coordinator Farid Swaleh said yesterday that Shahbal should be stripped off the party position because he does not represent the ideals and aspiration of the ruling coalition.

"How can he be that reckless? He has contradicted the President and the Deputy President who have vowed to fight corruption in all spheres. For him to say that we will steal election he shows us how he is disconnected from President Uhuru's aspirations," said Swaleh.

"Last election we were able to get 25 percent of the total votes cast in the region. Our aim was to raise that to 50 percent in the coming election but how can we do that with such reckless statements," said Swaleh.

The Standard has established that state and Jubilee operatives who organized the meeting were not aware that there was a private media cameraman at the venue.

Others at Sunday's meeting were Kilifi South MP. Mustafa Iddi, Magarini MP Harrison Kombe, Kilifi North MP. Gideon Mungaro, Ganze MP. Peter Shehe, Linga Lunga MP Khatib Mwashetani and newly appointed Mining Cabinet Secretary Dan Kazungu.