Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka with the party chairman David Musila ( left ) leading party officials arrive at Maanzoni Lodge for NEC, and Parliamentary group to map the way forward for presidential election 2017 31/08/15 PHOTO:MOSES OMUSULA

Machakos Town MP Victor Munyaka has urged Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka to quit politics.

Mr Munyaka claimed Kalonzo was behind the attempted derailing of Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua’s development strategies.

“Mutua has shown development can be achieved effectively and efficiently during the two years he has been in power. Kalonzo has nothing to show for the more than 30 years he was in high positions,” said the Machakos Town MP.

He said the difference between Mutua and Kalonzo was crystal clear and urged the Kamba community to rally behind the governor.

“Kalonzo’s star has diminished while that of Mutua is shining. He should simply quit politics as he is no longer relevant,” said Munyaka.

The outspoken MP was reacting to sentiments attributed to Kalonzo who reportedly described Mutua as insignificant in Kamba politics. Kalonzo is said to have dismissed Mutua as politically naive and inferior.