NAKURU, KENYA: The recent appointments of State corporation officers by President Uhuru Kenyatta continue to elicit mixed reactions.

More than 600 residents of Nakuru County moved to court to challenge his choice for the board of directors at the Geothermal Development Company.

The residents, in a suit filed at the High court say the composition of the board is discriminative against them and violates the provisions of Article 69 (1) (a) by failing to share the national resource exploited by the company at the Menengai Crater.

The lead petitioner in the case,  Mr. Joachim Njui, states in his plaint filed in court by lawyer Hari Gakinya that none of the five board members appointed by the President hails from the county and as such the distribution of the slots were not equitable.

President Kenyatta last month  made some 302 appointments of individuals to various State corporations and agencies.

One of the beneficiaries was lawyer Gershom Otachi, who was picked to chair the GDC board that comprises members ; Salaton Letaipan, Michael Ogwapit, Dr. Stephen Njiru and Florence Chepngetich.

The petition was certified as urgent by the High Court and scheduled for inter party hearing on May 19, it came hot on the heels of protest from the national alliance party politicians in Nakuru County who criticised the President for failing to consider locals for appointment in the State agency.

MPs Joseph Kiuna(Njoro TNA), and Bahati's Kimani Ngunjiri lashed out at the President saying the Jubilee administration had given them a raw deal despite supporting the coalition in the last general election.