Nairobi, Kenya: The fire tragedy that recently broke out in three slums in South B and South C affected thousands of households.

A statement to newsrooms from the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) says 761 households were affected in Mkuru Kayaba, 1,474 in Mkuru Fuata Nyayo and 35 in Mkuru Kwa Reuben.

In the statement, KRCS also confirmed that 15 children missing as a result of the fire were reunited with their families through their Tracing Department.


In the Mukuru Kayaba incident, fire started at about 6pm and eight people were injured, with five in critical condition.

The tragedy hit the slum on March 10 and in a few hours time, two other cases occurred at Mukuru Kwa Reuben followed shortly by Mukuru Fuata Nyayo.

Six people were injured in Mukuru kwa Reuben with Kenya Power saying the fire was caused by "enhanced human activities and settlements".

KRCS said their Nairobi branch disaster response team assisted the eight casualties with first aid services and referrals. Five were referred to Kenyatta National Hospital Hospital for further management while three were treated at the scene.


Others in the rescue efforts were Nairobi City County Fire Brigade, Kenya Police and National Youth Service.