A Muslim woman who tortured her eight-year-old daughter to death and the girlfriend who encouraged her have both been found guilty of manslaughter.

Polly Chowdhury, 35, was 'groomed' by 43-year-old Kiki Muddar, who invented fictional characters, including a Muslim spirit called Skyman, to control her girlfriend.

Chowdhury became convinced daughter Ayesha Ali was 'possessed' and that she needed to be punished to 'stop the gates of hell from opening'.

The women would give the little girl cold baths, force feed her until she was sick and make her scrub the bathroom floor to rid her of 'evil spirits', the Old Bailey heard.

A neighbour heard the child's pitiful screams as they took turns to creep into her bedroom wearing a terrifying horror mask.

Muddar dreamed she was a vampire and her lover bit her daughter's back as part of the depraved torture.

Ayesha weighed just three-and-a-half stone when she died from a blow to the head at her home in Chadwell Heath, Essex, on August 28, 2013.

When emergency services arrived the next day she was found lying naked, except for a pair of pink knickers, covered in bruises. She had sustained nearly 50 injuries including the bite mark which was matched to her mother.

Muddar and Chowdhury each claimed it was the other woman who had killed Ayesha, but an Old Bailey jury found them guilty of manslaughter today. They were both cleared of murder.

Muddar wept while Chowdhury sobbed into her hands as the verdicts were announced. The jury took 31 hours and 31 minutes to reach the verdicts by a majority of 10-to-two.

Judge Christopher Moss QC remanded the couple in custody ahead of sentence on Friday.

Police have today released CCTV footage, below, which shows CCTV footage of Muddar on the morning of August 28 when she bought a shower hose and fitting. It is believed these were to replace items damaged in an assault on Ayesha.

Outside court Ayesha's father Afsar Ali buried his head in his hands and slumped onto a chair in floods of tears.

The pair's bizarre relationship revolved around a 'sado masochistic' fantasy world, involving fictional boyfriends, angels and spirits.

Chowdhury was communicating by text and Facebook with 15 different people and spirits which had all been created by Muddar.

One of Muddar's characters, a Muslim spirit called Skyman, sent messages saying: 'Your daughter can have the pain' and 'your daughter is evil you never disciplined her today'.

Muddar also sent naked pictures to Chowdhury through 'Jimmy', asking her what sexual positions she enjoyed.

Chowdhury was even convinced she was having sexual contact with Jimmy on occasions when she shared a bed with Muddar.

Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC said both women had been exposed as liars since Ayesha's death, but that 'on occasions, truth is stranger than fiction.'

Chowdhury's ex-husband Afsal Ali described his former spouse as 'the perfect mother' who had a 'good heart' and 'put other people before herself'.

But Muddar would cause arguments in the family home and his wife became 'completely unrecognisable.' Soon no family decisions could be made without Chowdury consulting Muddar, who had become her love.

"It was like she was possessed," her husband said.

He tried to move her way from the area - but eventually they split up and Chowdhury moved in with her.

Chowdhury admitted she had come to hate her daughter and thought that she was 'pure evil' by the time of her death.

The girl's grieving father sobbed in court as he heard the 'livid' Muddar rage about his daughter during a phone call recorded just weeks before the little girl's death.

"I will f***ing drown that witch. Seriously, I'm going to kill her," said Muddar. "She's got this evil stare in her like there's pure evil inside her."

Muddar and Chowdhury had been beating Ayesha for days before she died on the night of August 29, 2013.

Chowdhury said she saw Muddar with her foot on her daughter's throat shortly before she found her apparently drowning in the bath.

She said she dragged her out - and then smothered her with a pillow to 'end her suffering' later that night.

Chowdhury insisted she had no idea Muddar had battered her over the head.

Muddar, who did not give evidence, told police she had left the flat that evening and only returned the next morning to find Ayesha dead and Chowdhury with her wrists cut in the bath.

But the jury found both women responsible for Ayesha's death.

Chowdhury, of Bedwell Court, Broomfield Road, Chadwell Heath, and Muddar, of Green Lane, Ilford, denied murder and alternatives of manslaughter and causing or allowing the death of a child.