Twenty-two members of Somalia’s Al-Shabaab militants were Monday killed in an operation by the Kenya Defence Forces in Bula Gadud area, Somalia.

During the operation that happened at about midday, one KDF soldier and three Somali National Army soldiers were injured

According to KDF, three vehicles belonging to the terror group were destroyed and assorted weapons and ammunition recovered.

“The town is a key logistical and planning base for Al-Shabaab and it was used to launch attacks in Kismayu and its environs,” read part of a statement from KDF spokesman Col David Obonyo.

Other reports suggested the KDF and SNA personnel were in Bula Gadud ahead of a planned assault on Jilib that is one of the towns occupied by the militants.

The operation in Bula Gadud seemed to coincide with that of Somali government troops backed by African Union (AU) forces who have taken the last coastal stronghold Barawe of the al-Shabab Islamist group.

KDF moved to Somalia in 2011 to hunt down the militants who have been blamed for several insecurity related incidents. The troops under Amisom have managed to liberate a number of towns since then.