Kenya: CORD MPs claim the ongoing police investigations of hate speech targeting the Opposition is meant to intimidate them into silence.

They said there was a systematic plot to profile CORD leaders after their rallies and have them charged with either hate speech or incitement to stop them from criticising the Jubilee government.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Moses Wetangula, about 20 CORD parliamentarians said the Government is harassing them.

"The questions that are being asked to those of us summoned by police for their investigations are ridiculous just as they are laughable," said Wetangula during a Press conference in Parliament Buildings.

The Minority Leader said Jubilee had resorted to using old tactics employed by previous regimes to scare the Opposition, but said they would not be cowed by the threats and intimidation.

"We have seen this being employed in past and more powerful regimes and it did not succeed. It cannot succeed now," said Wetangula.

He claimed that some legislators in Jubilee were only summoned for questioning over hate speech allegations as an afterthought.

The Bungoma Senator accused Jubilee of looking for scapegoats for its failure ito deal with the challenges facing the country.

Among those at the Press conference were senators James Orengo (Siaya) and Hassan Omar (Mombasa), and Suna East MP Junet Mohammed, who are among those questioned by police over alleged hate speech and incitement.