Foreign dignitaries to witness Kenya's big day.

By Ally Jamah

Nairobi, Kenya:  At least 19 Heads of State and Government will attend Thursday’s celebrations in Nairobi to mark Kenya’s 50 years of independence.

President Uhuru Kenyatta will lead the nation in the golden jubilee celebrations at Safaricom Stadium, Kasarani, where he was inaugurated as the country’s fourth President in April this year.

The occasion will be the climax of a series of activities organised to observe the Sh500 million-bash, billed as the biggest for the country in recent times.

Last night, the President was expected to grace the hoisting of the Kenyan flag at Uhuru Gardens, an occasion akin to another one on December 12, 1963, which was presided   over by his father, founding President Jomo Kenyatta.

The President was also expected to plant a tree close to another that was  planted by the founding President at independence 50 years ago.

The hoisting of the flag at Uhuru Gardens coincided with a similar event atop Mt Kenya where Teddy Mutuku, 34, the son of the late Kisoi Munyao, who planted the country’s flag there 50 years ago, repeated the fete.

Mutuku will be joined by Robert Chambers and Denis Rutovitz, the two British mountaineers who went up the mountain with his father  in 1963.

Today, the visiting dignitaries will join an estimated 60,000 people at the stadium. Millions of Kenyans will also  follow the proceedings at the stadium from home through live radio and television broadcasts.

The Heads of State who have confirmed attendance are Goodluck Jonathan (Nigeria), Seretse Khama (Botswana), Joseph Kabila (DRC), Dr Joyce Banda (Malawi), Hassan Sheikh (Somalia), Mahinda Rajapaksa  (Sri Lanka), Yoweri Museveni (Uganda), Isaias Aferwerki (Eritrea), Pierre Nkurunzinza (Burundi) and Jakaya Kikwete (Tanzania).

Transport and security

Others are Presidents Ismail Omar Guelleh (Djibouti), Omar Bongo (Gabon), Ismaïl Omar Guelleh (Djibouti), Salva Kiir (South Sudan), Ikililou Dhoinine (Union of the Comoros) and Mohamed Abdelaziz (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is seeking independence from Morocco.)

Prime Ministers Hailemariam Desalegn (Ethiopia), Madam Aminata Touré (Senegal) and Hage Geingob (Namibia) and Former Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo will also be present.

“We have completed all the preparations for accommodation and transport and security for all the Heads of State and Government and all the things to do with the protocol,” said Sports and Culture Cabinet Secretary Hassan Wario, who chairs the committee organising the national celebrations

“We also expect senior special envoys, representatives at ministerial level from other nations, 250 members of the diplomatic corps for the missions in Nairobi, officials of the economic blocs and non-resident ambassadors of Lebanon, North Korea and Palestine,” said Foreign Affairs PS Karanja Kibicho.

Palestine will send its non-resident Ambassador Dr Zuhair Saleh  Al-Shun and North Korea will be represented by Mr Jong Thae Yang. The Sri Lankan president will be in the country for a three-day state visit, which will include a business forum to spur trade with the Indian Ocean Island that is recovering from a bitter civil war.

President Kenyatta will arrive at the stadium at 10.15am and will be received by Deputy President William Ruto and the Chief of Defence Forces, General Julius Karangi.

After the ceremony at Kasarani, the guests will be hosted by the President to a gala dinner at State House later in the evening.

Wario said the East African Community anthem will be played to signify the ascent of President Kenyatta to the EAC chairmanship.

Meanwhile, German President Joachim Gauck sent a telegram to President Kenyatta, congratulating him on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Kenya’s independence

Gauck commended the Kenyan people for their achievements in the past 50 years and wished Kenyans a peaceful and prosperous future.

“A jubilee such as this is always a sterling opportunity to look back on what has been achieved, as well as an inspiration to build a prosperous future.

“Not only can your country look back on five decades of dynamic development as a highly respected member of the international community, it also adopted a new Constitution in 2010, thus laying the foundations for a modern and socially oriented democracy,” he said.