That publishers rejected his manuscript several times did not deter his strong resolve to see his works land on book shelves. He pressed on, swam against the currents and the end result was the birth of a much sought after book. And today he has more dreams.

46-year-old Ponyochi Kunyobo is the man behind the book, Minds and Talents that is themed around leadership and management.

“This was a major breakthrough for me. It was not an easy affair as the journey was dogged with discouragement, but thank God I made it,” Kunyobo, a father of three says.

In the book, Kunyobo explores different slants of leadership shaped by his personal experiences at various points of life especially in politics.

Iconic leaders such as former South African President Nelson Mandela and Myles Munroe have been roped in among others to give the book a blend of perspectives.

Kunyobo is the chairman of Maendeleo Democratic Party and a former mayor of Kakamega between 2004 and 2006.

He is an MBA and CPA (K) holder with a rare passion for writing. “This book tackles leadership in a way like no other. This is a must read for everyone,” explains Kunyobo.

His dream

The dream to pen a book first came up for Kunyobo while lecturing at the Kenya School of Professional Studies in 2002, and although he knew his theme, he held things close to his chest until an opportune time would arise.

“I felt I needed to really digest what I was going to write on and therefore the need for time to brainstorm and focus on my topic of choice,” narrates Kunyobo.

It was during a 2006 Association of Local Government Authorities in Kenya (ALGAK) meeting held in Canada when he was tasked to present a paper that the push to write became even more: to do something on leadership and management.

With the help of close friends and family, he came up with a manuscript, edited and approved for publication.

It took him about one and a half years to write the book which he describes as one born out of sacrifice.

“I sometimes went under, friends would look for me and would not find me; away from my social life. I had to halt a lot of affairs in my life just to see to it that this venture became a success,” he adds. Minds and Talents is a book pegged on 45 tools of leadership among them morality, good communication skills and attitudes of leadership.


Kenyan politics

In 200 pages, Kunyobo sheds spotlight on Kenyan politics and its leadership with special focus on Kenyan political parties.

“Our political parties have for ages been merely used as political vehicles, they carry you to a certain destination and immediately after  polls that becomes the end. They lack principles and ideals, unlike what happens in more democratic states and that is a well-developed discussion in the book,” he notes. But how well is the book circulating? Kunyobo observes that although he is still working out on ways of distributing copies countrywide, the book is selling out in South Africa.

“The reception has been amazing. I shared the book with a friend in South Africa who ordered for even more copies.  It is retailing in a way you cannot believe in SA.  Also, a number of institutions of higher learning and even secondary schools have the book on their shelves in Kenya,” says Kunyobo.

Before realising his dream though, Kunyobo reveals that his efforts to have the book published were turned down by several publishers but this did not dampen his spirits.

And Kunyobo is not done yet. In the pipeline is an upcoming book, Breaking the Chains of Poverty, which is expected to hit the shelves soon.