By Joseph Masha

Kilifi, Kenya: The Government is investigating six children’s homes and rescue centres in Kilifi County alleged to be exposing orphans to prostitution and forced labour.

According to Government officials in Kilifi, some of the centres under probe are operating without registration in notorious tourist resorts while others are suspected of being complicit in child prostitution.

Kilifi County Children Director Paul Kisavi disclosed Wednesday he had received several reports about charitable organisations and individuals, including foreigners, operating orphanages illegally.

He said the function of the centre is to provide to refuge to orphaned children and those who have been deserted by their parents and not to use them to enrich themselves

 “My office is going to crack down on managers of institutions which operate as orphanages and children rescue without being licensed,” said Kisavi during celebrations to mark the World Orphans Day in Kilifi on Tuesday.

Mr Kisavi said it is an offence for anyone to expose young girls to commercial sex and forced labour.

He said the Children’s Act clearly states that it is an offence for anyone to expose young girls to commercial sex or forced labour.

He said said in other cases, the orphans are forced to work in the homes of the managers of the centres.


Kilifi County Aphia Plus programme Director Benson Omor confirmed that cases of harassment of children in some orphan homes in Kilifi County are on the rise.

 “It is really sad to note that some people start orphan centres in Kilifi County only for them to later start sex business with the girls,” said Omor.

The officer further noted that cases of sexual harassment among school-going girls were also on the rise and blamed some parents for the problem.

He said some girls in the rural parts of Kilifi County were lured into the illegal sex trade with by cartels that include motorcycle taxi operators, adding that many children had dropped out of school due to pregnancy or upon contracting HIV.