By Ali Abdi
The Borana traditional king who reigns in Ethiopia has spoken again on the community’s politics in Marsabit County.
The Abba Gadha, Guyo Gobba met delegates representing Moyale MP Mohamud Ali and his rival Chachu Tadicha, an NGO official, in Moyale, Ethiopia on Tuesday afternoon but never endorsed any candidate for the Marsabit governor seat.
Mr Gobba was reported to have asked both sides to go out and seek votes from the electorates peacefully.
The man whose decision has never been defied in the past addressed the delegates on the sideline of a gathering meant to discuss new Ethiopian policy for residents of southern Ethiopia. During a previous meeting held last July, he endorsed Tadicha, a decision that caused an uproar among Kenyan Borana .
Elders Diba Guyo, Roba Guyo, Boru Jillo, Halake Godana, Guyo Dulacha and Hussein Arero represented Mr Ali. Tadicha was represented by former Moyale MP Mohammed Galgalo and elders Sora Ganso, Tuke Huka, Khalich Halake, Godana Sharamo, Mohammed Haji Wario and Hoche Galma.
Both sides had requested the Abba Gadha to help them make a decision on who should be the community’s flagbearer for the second time.
‘‘The Abba Gadha came to Moyale town of Ethiopia where he met government officials to discuss Ethiopian issues. The Kenyans took this opportunity to meet the leader later,’’ said a source who declined to be identified for security reasons.
He said Gobba agreed to their request, which was discussed in less than 30 minutes. The Abba Gadha came with 20 members of his assembly while the 11 Kenyan elders represented the two rivals.
Both Ali and Tadicha’s representatives yesterday confirmed the meeting took place but differed on the ruling of the Abba Gadha.