By Peter Ndoria

A 29-year-old Texas man is suing the makers of a virility pill for causing his penis to become so erect it fractured during intercourse and now he is unable to have sex or children.

Adrian Carter was a happy and healthy man before the incident last year at a Houston motel, in which his appendage became engorged and bloody.

He was rushed to the emergency room, where they discovered he required immediate surgery and had to render him infertile. Now he wants the company that manufactures the drug to pay.


“It was pretty horrific to view the pictures,” Mr Carter’s lawyer told the media, before adding

“I know it sounds unusual. He was young and healthy and on no other meds at the time he took the supplement.”

The pill in question is marketed as a natural supplement that promises to give men a harder erection for natural male enlargement and a more intense orgasm. It also promises to increase stamina and lower recovery time.

But court papers allege that the pill is “defective and unreasonably dangerous for use by consumers.”


According to the suit, the man purchased the product in the ‘early morning hours’ at a petrol station on his way to an inn. However, during intercourse, he reportedly had ‘significant pain and observed a large quantity of blood squirting out of his penis onto the sheets, walls and mirror.’

He was rushed to the hospital where he says doctors had to ‘deglove’ him in order to repair it, a procedure that removes the skin, in order to repair his urethra which had apparently ‘separated completely’, according to the suit.

“Doctors again warned him that he may never have an erection or be able to father children and his ureters may close, resulting in permanent inability to urinate naturally,” the suit claims.

Mr Carter, therefore, wants the drug manufacturer to pay up. In addition to his medical expenses, he is suing for punitive damages, breach of warranty, deceptive trade, mental anguish, pain and suffering and the ‘past and future loss of consortium’.


But leading urologists say it is very unlikely that the pill could have caused such an incident.

“With a fracture, you typically a get swelling and the penis looks like an eggplant — purple and swollen. But blood coming out on the walls, that sound really dramatic,” says Dr Jeff Carney, chief of urology at Grady Memorial Hospital, adding, “the man’s story is the most absurd thing I have heard of in my life.”

He said that degloving would never be done in an emergency room, but by a skilled surgeon. And the part where the blood squirted on the walls? That was probably made up as well.

“When a man breaks his penis, it can be very scary,” said Dr Carney. “I believe he took this story and spiced it up.”