After playing two men for over a year, a woman in Bomet was busted and rendered homeless when her unsuspecting ‘hubbies’ came face to face.

The woman, whom the neighbours only referred to as Caro, resided in a house whose rent was paid by her ‘steady’ boyfriend who works in Nairobi and has a child with her.

Neighbours  told Crazy Monday that the said boyfriend has been visiting the woman on weekends, bringing along goodies for her and their daughter.

However, on weekdays, Caro kept the company of a man who works at a financial institution in the town.

When word reached her steady boyfriend that she was having an affair, she dismissed him, saying those were just stories fabricated by ‘enemies’ who were  jealous of their relationship. She also reprimanded some of her neighbours whom she suspected of leaking her escapades to her first boyfriend.

“She came to my house one morning and threatened to strip me the next time I informed her man that she was cheating on him,’’ a neighbour who declined to be named said.

On the day of reckoning, the boyfriend, following a tip from a friend, lied that he was flying out of the country on an official trip and would not be making his usual weekend visit.

Oblivious of the trap she was walking into, she invited her ‘side dish’ for a weekend romp. She also tactfully sent her daughter to her maternal home fearing that she could ‘open her mouth’ when her lover returned.

But she was busted on a rainy Saturday afternoon when the two lovebirds heard a knock on the door as they relaxed in bed.

Initially, she restrained her lover from opening the door insisting that it was her female neighbour who loved ‘disturbing’ people. But when the knocks persisted, an annoyed Caro walked to the door to tell the ‘intruder’ off.

And there stood her first boyfriend, the man who paid her bills. Dumbfounded, Caro uttered incomprehensible statements as she tried to dissuade him from entering the house. But he shoved her aside and walked in to find a man sleeping on the bed he bought.

An eyewitness said that the man did not mince his words and demanded everything he had bought her.

He carted away the bedding, furniture and utensils and the clothes he bought her before instructing  the landlord to allocate the house to another tenant.