By Thorn Mulli

A wedding day is probably the one single day event where many people marshal most of their resources to ensure its success.

History is rife with record-breaking expensive weddings. Take an example of the 1981 royal affair between Diana, a stunning pre-school teacher and Charles, the oldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, which cost approximately Sh9 billion when adjusted to inflation.

A great party, sadly, does not guarantee a happy marriage evidenced by the late princess Diana’s troubled union.

If unable to summon millions for the day, fret not as a minimal budget does not automatically relegate one to the poor-show wedding category. Creativity is key to turning little resources into a glamorous and memorable celebration.

Some pointers to consider that might just halve your expenses are:


Buying a custom-fitted wedding gown for the bride is a feat, but a hired one also looks as good. And for the groom, you really do not have to dress up in a dear tuxedo to cut a clean look.

A kitenge shirt laced with your personal style might suit you better. You also do not have to spend a tonne of money for your hair and make-up courtesy of a new barbershop or salon. Your regular stylist will do just as well. If you can, do your own make-up


It is not engraved on stone that you have to have an entourage of hooting vehicles for you to create a spectacle. The insane chunk of the budget put aside for transport can be reduced to near nothing by making hard but nonetheless smart choices.

For instance, opt for one trendy mode of transport for the couple as the rest of the party ride in regular vehicles. Or hire a limousine that can fit the entire wedding party, but only for a few hours rather than the entire day to save on cost. Better yet, if your venues are close by, go the healthy way while flaunting your attire. Walk.


If your budget is tight, consider holding the entire wedding in one venue. To pull this off, one needs to invest in a spacious, yet supple venue and efficient aides. Picture exchange of vows in the afternoon, later as the bridal party and guests indulge in a photo session over a cocktail on one end of the venue, the aides transform the erstwhile arrangement into a reception setting much like an interlude during a play.

The party then enjoy, the reception and as dusk falls, the newlyweds break for a change of attire as yet another transformation occurs as lights and a stage come on for the ensuing after-party. To save on funds that would otherwise hire tents and the accompanying furniture, opt for a venue with a meeting hall complete with furniture.


I had the pleasure of attending a reception where the couple beat the financial crunch by serving their guests cost friendly, but mouth-watering bitings and beverages well set out on cocktail tables. With no seats, guests were forced to mingle albeit for a short while as the memorable 30 minute long celebration ended with a commendable toast.


That next-door band that always touches your essence should not be discarded for industry ‘big’ names. After the hype dies down, the quality is more often than not, similar.

The same goes for the emcee. Do not be pressured to overshoot your budget for a hotshot name that might just disappoint as they keep checking their watch; rushing your event.

That chama leader that always impresses with their oratory skills and humour during your weekly meetings might just make the cut, especially considering they are less likely to mistake your aunt for your mother.


A brainstorming session with your florist will ensure that you get worth arrangements to fit your budget as well as the accompanying accessories. A single flower stem creatively set achieves the same effect as does multiple stems.


Many couples would never admit it, but this task mostly left in the ‘capable’ hands of the man, is the most bungled. Last minute Internet search for a suitable wedding destination more often than not, is recipe for disaster. Take time to discover new spots and where possible, an actual visit will not hurt. For instance, if white sandy beaches are your thing, keep in mind that the Kenyan coastline stretches from Kiunga in Lamu right down to Shimoni in Kwale with innumerable accommodation facilities to boot.