News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch took a swipe at Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology on Sunday in a series of tweets. Murdoch labeled the Hollywood star a No. 2 or No. 3 person in the hierarchy of Scientologists, a group the media mogul called “creepy.” Said Murdoch: “Scientology back in news.

Very weird cult, but big, big money involved with Tom Cruise either number two or three in hierarchy (sic).” Cruise, a star of the “Mission: Impossible” movies, made headlines on Friday when it was revealed his wife, actress Katie Holmes, had filed for divorce and is seeking sole custody of their daughter, Suri. 

You have to give it to Raila Odinga for pulling a fast one on his rivals. The Langata MP will host top businessmen and politicians for dinner but at Sh100,000 per plate. New laws on parties and elections require that presidential aspirants reveal the source of their campaign funds.

Well, no worries for the man from Bondo on this score. A recent study estimates that for one to campaign effectively in the State House race, he or she needs a war chest of up to Sh15 billion. The first 10 guests to pay up will set the PM on his way with a guaranteed Sh1 million. 

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi was heard grumbling that some Luhya politicians want to split the community vote to limit his chances of succeeding President Kibaki. He seems to have forgotten that he walked out of ODM because, as he claimed, the party was not democratic enough.

His thinly veiled reference to some politicians from Western Kenya being projects in the race to State House appears to be directed at one Eugene Wamalwa, the MP for Saboti and Minister for Justice. The more the merrier... plus what goes round comes around!

And finally...
Infighting at the IEBC over a tender gives ammo to MPs who insist the polls body does not need Sh31 billion to hold proper polls. Will someone please knock some sense into their brains?   
