Scores of families spent the night in the cold on Tuesday after youths demolished more than 15 houses in Maua town, Igembe South District.

The youth were acting on a court order issued in favour of Maua Methodist Church by Maua Senior Principal Magistrate John Kingori.

The order allows eviction of Muriuki from the land to pave way for the church to occupy it.

The affected families said the  land was inherited from their grandparents and wondered why the church claimed the land.

Kaluki claimed the Methodist Church had sold the land without their knowledge and that is why they were being evicted.

They said though they knew the case was before the court, they were kept in darkness during judgement.

Kaluki said despite the church neighbouring them, they were never given any notice of eviction, until the youth raided their premises.

They did not even give us time to salvage our few belongings,” said Kaluki amid tears.