Being overweight affects your chance of getting pregnant, as it may cause irregular menstruation, warns HANNAH CHIRA

Plus size women are increasingly getting to appreciate their bodies as society also appreciates them, having realised these women are also beautiful.

Even as you prepare for pregnancy, your beautiful plus-size body and getting pregnant should be on the top of your to-do list. Can being overweight reduce your chances of conceiving?

You ought to realise that your weight might be getting in your way to getting pregnant. If not sure, your first step into the pre-conception process is to assess how healthy you are.

This means having your blood pressure checked, checking whether you have diabetes and assessing your family history of these conditions or any other weight-related diseases.

Also check whether you live an active or a sedentary life.

Body mass index
After this it is paramount to discuss your weight with your doctor to see whether losing some of it may improve your chances of conceiving. The doctor may refer you to a nutritionist for help for a practical pre-conception weight loss strategy.

Knowing your body weight is not enough. Therefore, get to know your body mass index (BMI) and see whether you fall under the normal (20-21), overweight (25-29), or obese (30 or above). A BMI of above 30 places you at greater risk of developing gestational diabetes, hypertension and other health problems during pregnancy.

At this level, losing even ten per cent of your body weight before conceiving may dramatically cut your odds for complications.

Irregular ovulation
It is recommended that you lose weight gradually by filling up on a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, nourishing whole grains and lean proteins. Steer clear of slimming pills and concoctions.

After this, track your cycle to ensure your weight is not sabotaging your chances of conceiving. Remember, too much body fat interferes with your body’s delicate hormonal balance and hence disrupts your normal ovulation.

This results to either irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation, which is a leading cause of fertility problems in plus-size women.

Therefore, avoid compulsive overeating, stress and get your man on the scale as well. Talk to your doctor on options available, for instance, taking hormonal tablets that will trigger release of the egg and increase ovulation, to increase chances of conception.